Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Children of the Midnight Flag

Gathering at the four corners of the world,
Yesterday we shed blood fighting for freedom,
Today we live under a false sky written liberty,
May tomorrow be a better world for our children,
The children of the midnight flag.

-gp 2005-

[+] Happy Independence Day Malaysia. More in my blog and Visi's blog and a cool snap of the KL cityscape at midnight by Maran.

[-] Thank you Magnus for updating the site, the additions are superb.

[-] Sorry for not posting for the past week, we had a major internet blackout here, and I was on the road. Will come back to post more next week. Till then have a nice and safe week ahead.

[+] Here's a nice article on 2050.

[-] The American Red Cross is seeking help for the Hurricane Katrina victims. Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

[-] For updates of the Dec 26 2004 Tsunami relief efforts head to 'The SEA Earthquake and Tsunami' blog.

[-] I have a suggestion for the members in this group to blog in their own language at least once. This would help to expand the project interest and serve as a concept piece for future changes to the blog. Hopefully the post will have a short summary in English at the end of the post.


Krish said...

Interesting blog guys...

Can see Magnus effect ( the countdown clock to 2050)

Prakash said...

Happy Independence Day....and nice poem man...keep it up...