Friday, December 30, 2005

Squatter Cities

The current global approach to squatters, the poorest among us, is to destroy their homes and what little they have in the name of progress. However, this is not progress in the least.

Today, on Chicago Public Radio I heard that if the approach isn't severely altered, one third of the world's population will live in squatter cities by the year 2050.

Considering the title and vision of this blog I thought it appropriate to post this.


Squattercity Blog

Our vision for the future and our journey from the present must include the least among us. As of now, it does not.

1 comment:

gP said...

A really good post. Makes us think about the state of humanity nowadays. And thank you for the post Jacob.

I can tell you how its done in my country. The squatters homes are burned down, no thougths given to any loss of life. When the city fails to provide for all the citizens and when money matters more that human lives, there seems to be no amicable solutions except to step on and trash the less fortunate. If only all these cities have a proper planning then I'm sure the solutions would be easier and better.