Friday, October 28, 2005

Behind a Dolphin's 'Smile'

ABC7 Primetime today, 10pm (Pacific) aired very disturbing facts about the story behind the "Dolphin Encounters" - dolphin shows and the like.

While capturing dolphins from the wild is prohibited by countries like the US, with many other countries around the world setting up dolphin shows, the demand for dolphins has led to a big greedy business of capturing dolphins from the wild in the South Pacific islands and Japan.

The dolphins are rounded up and trainers pick the best dolphins and others are slaughtered for the meat. The dolphins are separated from their families called pods, and taken away to be trained to do unnatural acts for the entertainment of us humans.

While I do not know the details, I remember that some dolphins died in the attempted dolphin park in Chennai, India as well.

I am guilty myself, of visiting dolphin parks in a few places, though I have felt squirmish doing so.

The abc7 telecast bared the cruelty and inhumane act rendered to these gentle creatures, and hope it was an eye opener to those who watched the show.

Please support the organizations that are trying to save the dolphins, by a simple act - by refusing to encourage such animal shows. Here are some save dolphins websites I came across:
Free the Dolphins
International Dolphin Watch


Unknown said...

The dolphins are separated from their families called pods, and taken away to be trained to do unnatural acts for the entertainment of us humans.

Kinda like, dogs?

While I do not condone unnecessary cruelty for any animal, nor do I really see a need to treat dolphins differently from other animals. Humans catch a broad variety of animals to use as food sources, and I'm pretty sure that dolphins are not endangered. And while I can't say how they are treated elsewhere, earlier this month I saw the dolphin show at Brookfield Zoo near Chicago and I thought the dolphins there were both very well-treated and quite happy. The dolphins get free food, free medical care, lots of playtime, and of course they don't need to fear getting chomped on by a killer whale. The trainers and zoo seemed genuinely concerned for the well-being of the dolphins and all 8 of them seemed to be in great health.

Again, while I don't know the conditions they are kept in elsewhere, I don't think it's fair to paint all dolphin domestication everywhere with the same broad brush. And no reason to distinguish them from the myriad other animals we domesticate for entertainment (cats, dogs, ferrets, birds, lizards, etc. etc.) or food (cattle, etc.).

cosmicblob said...

This discussion is age old - the argument has/will continue... So, while I will not indulge in it, here's my two cents-

- domestication is another topic - I am referring specifically to capture of dolphins (and for that matter any animal) for 'circus' like purposes.

- "quite happy" "free food" "lots of playtime" "dont need fear ...a killer whale" : I dunno about you, but I'd rather be out in the big bad world fending for myself, rather than being holed up for life in a one room safe haven.