Thursday, September 08, 2005

World is not even near ENOUGH

Guys...How long are u going to keep talking about datas of mother country and ur mother country resisting mother nature......Every body knows the earth is a biological entity...And like every other biological entry, the earth has death....And u guys know the effects of ageing,So allow mother earth to undergo the problems of ageing..(Tsunami, volcanoes...etc.....). Would u find ways to fightiing ur mother when she vomits as part of ageing.
Yes!Disaster management,Risk management, etc. yes! Upto some extent....But please dont make these things an issue.Every body knows they are dying, Every body knows the earth is dying.....Do u live all ur life in the hospital....Not walking on the roads because u will meet up with an accident...Not u take those small risks to make small meaning to these lives....Not like shakespeare who sits under the tree and researches and death and writes down (WE WILL ALL DIE THERE IS NO MEANING IN LIFE)....And lives...hahahahahahahahahaha......Let us all work on education,Relation, Men and find bliss from life..Let us all live life....Probably we should get back to investing money on Research and IT(as much as we did on two years back)...And put the remaining money into what MIGHT happen and what not WILL happen......

I am sorry if i did not communicate what i wanted to...mostly dont....For those of u who got the meaning....Well and gud


Anonymous said...


if u do, then i agree with u, but this life more than living ALONE !


wahhh, congrats to u on earth3050. ;p


Jeevan said...

i think the Earth and humans will die in natural Disaster.

யாத்ரீகன் said...

if a biological matter wears and tears out of normal way,

but if we force it a lot and try to destroy it very well before its life time.. then thatz called foolishness...

ekantha said...

The world does not only belong to you. And when something doesn't just belong to you, you make sure that you don't ruin it for someone else. What I'm trying to say is that you can live your life as you wish but within limits that are defined by how much what you do will be of detriment to someone else. It's not that hard to do what you have proposed and not be too careful in life, but then that would be what most of us are already doing... completely disregarding another entity's needs to be left to its own devices and not be exploited.
P.S. When I say someone else, I don't just mean be considerate to what you know and are familiar with (which could just be a couple of humans) I'm including in this bracket nature and all her elements. And also, sorry for being so contrary when you were nothing but encouraging but you provoked me and I refuse to accept that the Earth is dying because that is like accepting that I am in the process of killing it and without any intentions leaning towards changing my wicked ways.

meetu said...

oooops ...u scared me .its pessimistically optimistic post .what say?

gP said...

hi all, sorry for the late reply. Vambu paiyan...the details of the blog is in the firt post.

ill post some new details of the blog soon.

thanx all for the comments and replies. I remind everyone again, please, dont use vulgarity and profanity. and dont incite others with your so called quirks.

Blenster said...

While I understand the romantic desire to refer to the Earth as a “living entity”, calling it a “biological entity” is simply incorrect. The Earth is a machine, and many machines are very similar to biological systems, but it lacks several characteristics in what we define as biological life. For example, have you seen our planet consume outside resources or expel waste? Has anyone seen it mate and reproduce? GP will tell you I am a stickler for details and scientific accuracy. Given that the Earth is not a biological entity, it can’t be “dieing”. The natural phenomenon such as weather and earthquakes are merely aspects of the machine shifting energies around, not acts of an entity aging.

gP said...

I second u Blens. Aging is the wrong concept. Its dynamics.