Dear members,
As I have reminded everyone before this, we are in a one year trial period regarding the group postings, policies and the general setup. While there is absolute freedom on what the members may post, generally it would be best to stay away from purely political posts. I have taken the liberty of deleting both the reservation posts, posted recently because it seems to be going in an unfavorable direction. While we can actively debate human rights and student rights issue, this Reservation issue is bordering on racial sentiments as well. Many countries in the world practice reservation, in some it works perfectly and in some it actually marginalize the minorities. This issues can be resolved peacefully, and in an intelligent manner if done at the right places, and I believe the general visitors will be somewhat disoriented in the direction this group is going. Sorry if it hurts the members whose posts are deleted, but I have decided against political matters that have no clear solution. We don't even know if it will benefit or not if it doesn't materialize first. And certainly the 2050 group doesn't want to debate something that not absolutely concrete. ( IF the members feel that we should leave the post as it is, please leave a comment and we shall work this out; the posts are is in the draft mode).
The one year anniversary of the 2050 Group Blog will take place in August. By then I will create a clear direction for the group, the objectives and such. The original goals are in the first posts (refer the sidebar). The main aim of the blog would be to take it to the year 2050 while charting the changes we experience around the world. Issues such as technology, entertainment, science, education, culture, language and the general socio-economic evolution of the world would be the forefront of our movement. We can make critical suggestions and changes if we really work together.
When the group was launched, we had many members who wanted to share this dream, I really appreciate everyone who is part of this enigmatic group and still supports and believes in this cause. There are over 50 members here. We will make this a grand effort. Come August, all the changes will be in place, the categorization of topics, the general layout and also the weekly or monthly report. I hope the members are also aware that the report for each post can be received in your mailboxes using the feedblitz function bar at the sidebar. Just enter your email and create an account and you will rreceive all the post updates.
Thank you for your patience, and all your efforts for this blog and also the entire blogging revolution. If any members have any ideas regarding this blog, suggestions and also comments please email [] or leave a comment here.
Thank you.